Sunday, August 19, 2007

Entimesis *Poetry*


Anonymous said...

ei,ei,ei!! Vaja, si que comencem amb força!! Qué tal per Irlanda?? Espero que tot t'hagi anat molt bé...i perdona la meva ignorància, però qué és Entimesis? Una abraçada i fins aviat

Anonymous said...


feia temps que no t'escrivia res aquí!

però no pq no ho miri eeeh

quina peneta desmontar s'expo, nina.

ha estat genial i, com ja te vaig dir, sa primera de moltes.

bé ara te venc a veure!


Gem said...

Nena qué tal?
alucinantes tus imágenes, me encantan, transmiten algo mágico!

Anonymous said...

i don't know if you remember me. we met in galway, in a pub. i'm davide, the italian guy.
i'm taking a look to your pictures and they are exciting. your imagination is beautiful and you are an artist far better than me (i'm a comic drawer, as i told you that night). anyway, i could be very happy to talk with you sometimes. if you want it too, this is my address: (this is msn account too).
for now, congratulation for your art. bye.